
Its been a long few weeks.

I feel I've been a little remiss in my blogging lately. I don't get too worked up about the frequency of my posts, but I do pay for this website so that I can post crap that no one reads, and just how can a blog be reader-less if there is no content for no-one to read. (If a blogger posts to the Internet and no one is there to read it does it make a difference? That's a little more apropos than "If a tree falls in the forest...", at least for this--and most other--blogs.)

Good news everyone.

We finally got our asses moved! At least enough that we're now sleeping in our new house. What a relief! We still have a lot of stuff left to move before our new house is really home, but we do have enough to get by. The biggest remaining hurdles are moving the rest of Ruth's workroom for her businesses (links at right), and our 4,000+ volume library, but both of those thing will have much more space in our new house.
