
Andromeda Recumbent

Submitted by Dan on

Ruth finally convinced me (and by "convinced" I mean wore me down until I realized that her getting her way was inevitable) that we needed a new kitten. Ostensibly Andromeda (or Rommie), is for Sophia--not Ruth. Which is of course true, in exactly the same sense that our fifty-six inch LCD tv is for Ruth and not for me.

This is why you should never play king of the hill with a cat.

Submitted by Dan on

Taken from my front window with my macro lens. If you look at the full size you'll notice that Larry (the cat) has a bloody lip. He got this from a rather traumatic run in with two very enthusiastic Boston Terriers who'd come out with a contractor to do some work. Poor Larry cowered for a day or so after that anytime he heard a noise, and was only coaxed out of his post traumatic stress with some special fancy chicken canned kitty food Ruth got special for him as comfort food.

Taming the wild Eliza

Submitted by Dan on

Here is Ruth struggling to subdue one of our cats, Eliza, after she went on a prolonged cat-nip bender. The de-tox was a killer and the only thing that got the poor kitty through it was a prolonged cat nap on Ruth's lap.
(no cats were harmed, however a human came pretty close to losing a limb)