
Good news everyone.

We finally got our asses moved! At least enough that we're now sleeping in our new house. What a relief! We still have a lot of stuff left to move before our new house is really home, but we do have enough to get by. The biggest remaining hurdles are moving the rest of Ruth's workroom for her businesses (links at right), and our 4,000+ volume library, but both of those thing will have much more space in our new house.

Yes I am still blogging.

I haven't given up on the whole blogging thing, at least not yet. I've been awfully busy moving, or at least starting to. The problem is: Ruth and I are moving to the ranch house, which was my parent's house. And unfortunately my mom was (and to a slightly lesser extent my dad is) a terrible pack-rat. To make matters worse, my aunt, uncle, grandfather, great-uncle, & etc. (all relatives on my mom's side, cancer causing genes are a little less fun than a barrel of monkeys aren't they) were all pack-rats and died within the past ten years. Well, guess where all that stuff ended up.