Go Into the Light
I got a new Lensbaby tilt-shift lens, and had an hankering to try its macro capabilities. This isn't the sharpest pic of the set, but I thought it was apropos to the fly who donated his life for my photographic whim.
Afternoon Apple Pie-New Macro Lens
The macro lens doesn't make everything look better, Ruth's pie already looked that good, but it sure does make close-up pics like this look delish!
New Macro Lens-Amaryllis
Just got a wonderful new macro lens for my Nikon. After playing with it for an hour or so, taking pictures of everything that will hold still long enough, I'm pretty much awestruck.
This is a pic of a flower (Amaryllis I think) that ruth and I were given some years ago. It generally blooms sometime from December to February and lightens up an otherwise monochrome Montana winter.