Nikon D300

Sunrise Bliss

Submitted by Dan on

All cats enjoy the sun, but I think that Eliza just might be the head feline priestess of the Cult of the Sun Goddess. (But hey, at least her religion is better than the Scientologists'.)

Evening Stroll

The sunset was just too beautiful to stay inside, obviously Sophia was enjoying herself.

Spring Showers

Spring in Montana can be tremendously beautiful, its just a shame its only three days long.


Go Into the Light

Submitted by Dan on

I got a new Lensbaby tilt-shift lens, and had an hankering to try its macro capabilities. This isn't the sharpest pic of the set, but I thought it was apropos to the fly who donated his life for my photographic whim.

Bold Squirrel

Taken during our yearly road-trip to Boise. I got the distinct feeling this guy would have taken my arm off if I'd tried to get that sunflower seed.



Submitted by Dan on

As smart as I think Sophia is, she doesn't always LOOK very smart.

Bad Influence

Submitted by Dan on

Its official: Sophia is now old enough to have her parents bad habits imparted to her.


I started to leave the house to check on our calving heifers, but had to run back in for the camera when I saw the sky.
This is a 4 second exposure of the moon just as the top of it is cresting the horizon.


All Fall Down

Submitted by Dan on

Ruth stacked all the blocks into a triangle and Sophia had a gay old time scattering them. I like the look of the motion blur on a couple of the blocks as they're falling.

February Night-time

The sky that night was simply to amazing to not photograph. The pic was taken around 11:30pm, in early February. The sky is so light because the moon was mostly full and I did a time exposure (30 seconds). You can just see Orion moving over the roof of the house.
